
Gang beasts controls ps4
Gang beasts controls ps4

gang beasts controls ps4

gang beasts controls ps4

It isn’t exclusively about picking up players as you can land a wobbly haymaker on them and knock them out. Like Soul Blade (classic reference), you can win a match with a ring out. When it comes to players, you scoop them up as if they were a Gang Beasts-style character sculpted from a water bed, lift them up and drop them into the abyss. On paper, you can punch with either arm, head butt and jump, but the real gem is being able to grab hold of other players or objects to stay in the game.įor a similar take on this method of control, read the Totally Reliable Delivery Service review. Tease the left analogue stick, and you’ll move your character about and then wiggle, bash and smother the rest of the controls and hope for the best. You’ll get frustrated but laugh it off with friends, trying to disguise that little tick in your left eye, or you’ll launch the coffee table, paint the walls with faecal matter and stamp on a turtle. Let’s address the elephant in the room now, should said pachyderm be the controls: Gang Beasts will test your patience. Well, doesn’t every fighting game, but in this case, the main characters handle like rag dolls and are as responsive as a sloth in hyper-stasis, on opium.

#Gang beasts controls ps4 full#

Gang Beasts, released by Double Fine – of Full Throttlefame , is a multiplayer beat ’em up that relies on physics.

Gang beasts controls ps4